Multiple nations, diplomacy and new buildings!

Hello there!

I've been working on a few things recently:

1. Multiple nations

I'm working on creating multiple nations that can interact with each other through trade restrictions or even war.

2. Unit conditions

Some characters in a unit will be tied to a condition, for example, the architect and the trader will require a university building in the city to be used.

3. New buildings

I have added the university mentioned above and also a market - The market produces one random resource each turn after it has been built!

4. City info

Each computer-controlled city now has different preferences playing a role in trading and taxation.

5. Diplomacy

I'm creating a diplomacy system with which you can increase your "diplomacy score" with another city to gain several benefits that I still have to decide on.

That's it for now, I'm looking forward to at some point having published a finished demo version :D!

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