Outlook on the future of my prototype!

Hi there!

I've recently released the first prototype for my 2D strategy game and I thought I'd give you a quick outlook on what's to come, so, here are my current notes:

  • Pointer cursor too big
  • Add indent to unit list Unit stats overlap with banner text 
  • Add unit stats info in collapsable menu
  •  Add unit icon for colour-blind friendliness
  •  Add ability to change unit characters 
  • Trade route sometimes doesn't get established
  •  Add ability to see resource changes in resource menu
  •  Trade routes don't show trade routes to player city 
  • Add ability to see funds in trading menu
  •  Add option to hide city name 
  • Clay pit overlapping with city names
  •  Construction site textures not updating correctly
  •  Farm doesn't show connection line to city properly
  •  Clay pit doesn't show connection line to city 
  • Make resource menu wider -> can't see everything

I've also created a new structure to harvest clay - the clay pit!

Get Project: Strategy Game

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